hai there..
Alhamdulillah within 5 days, i am able to complete my training on autoCAD.. haha tapi essential baru.. tu pon payah cik kak hoiii.. first day training on this kursus, rasa excited, lama-lama dah 3 4 hari, rase geram, rase nak maki bagai semua ada sebab kadang-kadang nak lukis lain, lain yg keluar. then kadang-kadang tak dapat nak cari angle or apa-apa je command kat tab tu..
but finally i manage to complete it within the 5 days and completely understand what is that autoCAD is about. and today we all gonna go through exam preparation which is tomorrow is the real battle for the examination of autoCAD 2014 essential.. bangga sekejap sebab exam ni tak mudah, and in my batch only 32 people ambil this kursus in my university.
ok, thats all from me..